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Chatham Soccer League


Fall 2006

Last update: 11/16/06

Names in small print have not confirmed.

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Click on the area below to email all the coaches and managers in that practice area

Chatham Charter Moncure North Chatham Perry Harrison Pittsboro Siler City Silk Hope

U-4      Teams Email all U-4 Coaches & Managers

Will Play Spring 2007 if there is enough interest

U-6   9 Teams  Email all U-6 Coaches & Managers

Moncure - Panthers  Jimmy Godwin home: 545-9108, mobile: 669-9148
                         Team Manager: Ann Godwin mobile: 601-6213
North Chatham -  Green Goblins James Hayden  home: 933-7897
                        Assistant Coach: Michael Jackson  home: 967-4011
                         Team Manager: Mary Beth Grealy  home: 942-0903

North Chatham -  Red Rockets  Kate Aronson (Youth I License) home: 967-7684
North Chatham - Lightning  John Dowden  (Youth I &Youth II Licenses) home:  932-6252, work:  543-0686, mobile:  810-5740
                    North Chatham -  Assistant Coach:  Robert Waldrop  home:  929-5261, work: 248-5324, mobile: 306-2243 
Perry Harrison -  Sean Deegan  Home: 933-0973
Perry Harrison -  Rob Windsor  home: 542-3414
Pittsboro - Zebras  Carl West  (Youth I License) home: 542-6681,  work: 810-2246, mobile: 810-2437
Pittsboro -   Sharks  Bobby Powell  home: 542-3388 

Pittsboro -  Tigers  Rick Teta (Youth I & Youth III License) home: 542-3728, work: 681-5346

U-8    11 Teams   Email all U-8 Coaches & Managers

Moncure - Panthers  Bret Pedigo home: 776-9679, work: 260-9070
                         Team Manager: Ann Godwin mobile: 601-6213
North Chatham -  The Great Whites  Greg Scopel (Youth I &Youth II Licenses)  home: 967-6849, mobile: 260-9478
                        Assistant Coach:  Andres Marquez   home: 370-7344
                         Team Manager:  Pam McGregor 249-6799
North Chatham -  Tim Watkins (Youth I License) home: 969-9840, work: 541-5114, mobile: 302-4249
                         Team Manager: Melissa Watkins  home: 969-9840, mobile: 616-1272
North Chatham -  Greg Stafford
North Chatham -  Blue Sharks  Tim Mehringer (Youth I License) home: 929-0617, work: 250-6658, mobile: 740-4469
                        Assistant Coach: Allison Armieri  home: 932-3027
                         Team Manager: Serena McClamroch  home:  960-4249
Perry Harrison -   Mark McDonnell  home:  942-2564
Perry Harrison -  Jason Selong home:  969-6621
                        Assistant Coach: Karen Heilman (State E License) home: 942-4313
Pittsboro -  Silver Panthers Ian Rooze  home: 545-2825 mobile: 548-5154
Pittsboro - Lightning  Bob Lynch home: 545-9873
Pittsboro - Vadi MacMillan home 542-1560, work 991-4100
Silk Hope -   Allison McHenry  (Youth I License) work: 942-6002, mobile: 259-2590
                        Assistant Coach: Rachel Armstrong home: 663-5602, work: 942-6002, mobile: 548-3937
                        Assistant Coach:
Gary Hollander home: 542-6045

U-10    7 Teams   Email all U-10 Coaches & Managers

Chatham Charter - Neal Kight  (Youth I License) home: 742-2540,  work: 200-3035
North Chatham -  Falcons Greg Scopel (Youth I &Youth II Licenses)  home: 967-6849, mobile: 260-9478
                         Assistant Coach:  Chad Leinbach home: 545-0401, work: 545-0630, mobile: 260-7301
North Chatham -  Komodo Dragons Lorrie Marro  home: 533-3138
                         Team Manager: Karen Coffee  home: 932-1880
Perry Harrison -  Gary Thompson home: 942-7132,  work: 660-5761
                        Assistant Coach: Karen Heilman (State E License) home: 942-4313
Perry Harrison -  Rich Helgans home: 933-9224
Pittsboro -   Robert Bascoe home: 542-5086
Pittsboro -   Bob Holden (Youth I, Youth II, Youth  III, and State E Licenses)  home: 542-1831

U-12/14   8  Teams   Email all U-12 Coaches & Managers

North Chatham -  Green Gators Lori Hawkins   (Youth II License) home:   362-8240 
                        Assistant Coach:  Sami Malik  home:  967-3146
North Chatham - Mark Webster home: 542-0204, work: 956-6319, mobile: 418-7025
Perry Harrison - Venomous Ducks  Fred Vohwinkel (Youth I &Youth II Licenses) home:  967-3779
Perry Harrison -  Roger Cross  home:  968-6576
Pittsboro -    Maureen Amberg  home:  542-4127, mobile:  444-1349
                        Assistant Coach: 
Jorge Castro (Youth II License) home: 545-0699
                         Team Manager:  Jennifer Castro  (Youth I & Youth II Licenses)  home: 545-0699
Pittsboro -    Dave Jaeger  home: 837-5098
Silk Hope -  Charlie Teague 742-3451
                                    Team Manager: Julie Teague 742-3451
Woods Charter - Javier Pabon

U-14 and Up  1 Team  Email all U-14 & Up Coaches & Managers

League Wide Team


Challenge Teams

Email all Challenge Coaches & Managers

U10 Frank Fitzgerald (Youth I & Youth II License, State E License, State D) home: 542-7258, mobile: 624-7935
               Assistant Coach: Roy Baroff (Youth I &Youth III Licenses) 542-0380
                Team Manager: Lisa Skumpija


U12 Ken Phares (Youth I license, State E) home:  960-4249, work:  485-8350, mobile:  740-0579
               Assistant Coach: Todd Norris
(State E & State D)

U13 boys  CHATHAM CRUSHERS Lex Alvord (Youth I, II, III, NSCAA State Diploma, State E, State D, National Youth, National D, National C, State Instructor, Licenses, State ODP Staff) h542-5916, w542-5916

U13 girls Dan Stout (Youth I, Youth II, Youth  III, and State E Licenses) home: 776-3737, work: 541-5767
               Assistant Coach: Meg Daniels  



U16 girls CHATHAM BLAZERS John Wist  (State E License)  home: 929-3364

