Chatham Soccer League

News Detail


Oct, 2016

United Way of Chatham County Fundraising Campaign (CSL Benefits from this Campaign!)

Parents, coaches, volunteers and friends of Chatham Soccer League, lend me your ears!

As a member organization of the United Way of Chatham County (UWCC), CSL is proud to participate in UWCC’s annual fundraising campaign. This drive is going on now through October 28th, and all the money raised stays right here in Chatham County. The United Way currently provides grants to 18 different Chatham based non-profits, including CSL. Combined these organizations help to provide everything from basic needs like food and emergency aid, programs that educate, nurture and support children and families, health and legal services, support for victims of domestic violence, adult literacy programs, and more. Our United Way grant helps to support both outreach and scholarships for children who otherwise would not be able to participate in CSL programs. 1 out of every 3 Chatham County residents receives services from a United Way funded program, so the need for their support in our community is great.

Here is how you can help. Visit the website for the United Way of Chatham County at and click on the Donate button at the top of the screen. You will be redirected to their secure donation page hosted on the Network For Good website. Follow the prompts to make your tax deductible gift of $10 or more. You will have the option to make a one-time gift or a recurring gift (annually, quarterly, or monthly) which allows you to make a more generous donation and pay in installments. There is an optional box called Designation that allows you to specify how you would like your donation used (for example, you could designate 50% to CSL and 50% wherever it is most needed). There is also a box marked Dedication or Gift. Please enter "CSL 2016/17 Annual Campaign" in this box to indicate that your donation is part of the CSL pledge drive.Please consider joining me in making a gift of $100, $50, or $25 to help support the United Way of Chatham County. Even just $10 will let UWCC know that you appreciate their support for CSL, and will help them continue to support the other non-profits providing critical services in our community.

Thank you for your time, your charity, and for the great work each and every one of you do for the soccer community in Chatham County.

Keith Shea
CSL Board Campaign Coordinator for UWCC Annual Campaign