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Chatham Soccer League


Chatham Soccer League (CSL) By-Laws

I. General


The name shall be the Chatham Soccer League, a nonprofit corporation formed under the laws of North Carolina, (55A) and IRS Rules 501 (c) (3).


Offices and Incorporation.
The registered office of the corporation and a copy of the By-Laws shall be filed with the Secretary of State's office of North Carolina. The Chatham Soccer League, hereinafter referred to as CSL, shall be incorporated under the laws of North Carolina as a non-profit.


The purposes for which CSL is organized are as follows:
A. To support and develop amateur athletes for national, state, and local soccer competition exclusively through charitable activities.
B. To foster the physical, mental, and emotional growth and development of Chatham County residents through the sport of soccer at all age levels, by:
a. Encouraging the recreational values of soccer.
b. Enabling players to develop their playing skills in the game of soccer.
c. Teaching the rules and strategies of soccer.
d. Instilling the ideals of good sportsmanship.
e. Developing teaching and leadership skills in coaches.
C. To provide opportunities for amateur soccer teams from one area to compete against teams from other areas of the county, state and country.
D. To guard the interest and safety of the players, referees, coaches and teams.
E. To maintain affiliation with appropriate national, state, and/or regional soccer associations in order to maintain awareness of current trends in soccer.
F. To engage in any activity promoting A-E above, for which non profit corporations may be organized under Chapter 55A of the North Carolina General Statutes; PROVIDED, however, that all of the aforesaid purposes and activities shall be limited to the scope and intent of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as it now exists or as it may hereafter be amended.


Amending By-Laws.
Proposed amendments to the By-Laws and/or Articles of Incorporation must be made available to all members at least ten (10) days before the membership meeting at which they will be voted on. A majority vote of those present, taken at a Membership meeting according to the voting guidelines given below in these By-Laws, is required to amend By-Laws; a two-thirds vote of those present is required to change the Articles of Incorporation.


Distribution Of Copies Of By-Laws.
A copy of the By-Laws and Rules, Regulations and Procedures of CSL shall be given to all Board Members, coaches and referees; any member who asks for a copy shall be given one at cost. The official copy of the By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation, as well as the rules, regulations and procedures, shall reside with the CSL Attorney, who will be chosen by the Board.


Code of Conduct.
Players, coaches, parents, referees, and spectators must follow the Code of Conduct in the CSL Rules, Regulations and Procedures.


Parent Organizations. 
CSL has the responsibility of making sure that all members abide by these By-laws and those of any parent organizations CSL may be affiliated with.


Team Selection.
Team selection shall be determined as per these By-Laws and the CSL team selection rules as outlined in the Rules, Regulations and Procedures.




The following guidelines apply to membership:
A. Registration and/or membership shall be open to all youth and adults, whose interest and support will be beneficial to the growth and development of soccer in Chatham County.
B. CSL, members, referees, or coaches shall in no way discriminate against any individual or team, or take any action of any nature, based upon race, religion, sex, national origin or political affiliation of an individual; or upon physical or mental handicaps except when safety may be a consideration.
C. CSL has the responsibility of placing every player on a team, within the means and rules of CSL; every player must be given the opportunity to play soccer.
D. CSL has the responsibility of allowing every player to participate at the level that the player wants but within the means and rules of CSL.
E. Any youth, from the Chatham County area or another area, who wants to play soccer in CSL may do so, even if there is an Association in his or her own community, within the means of CSL.


Classes of Membership. 
CLASS I Members include: Any adult who has a youth registered as a player, or any adult (eighteen (18) years old or older) registered as a player, or any head coach or assistant coach. Class I members are voting members, as outlined below. Class II members include: Any adult without a registered youth player, who pays the annual registration fee; and outside businesses, organizations, and sponsors who provide financial contributions. Class II members are non-voting members of the organization.


Applying For Membership.
To apply for Class I membership, an adult shall fill out the player registration for their child and/or him/herself, and make sure the required registration fee is paid. To apply for Class II membership, an individual or organization shall make a financial contribution to CSL. For Class I membership, if all the current teams are full, any late sign-up players shall be placed on a waiting list and if an opening comes open on a team the player shall be placed on first come basis; or if there are enough of these players new teams can be formed, but the membership fee shall be returned if the player is not placed on a team within two weeks of the start of the season.


Registration Fees.
The amount of the registration fee shall be determined by the Board of Directors. This fee shall be set in a way that enables and encourages the participation of as many players as possible while still covering basic CSL expenses.


Whenever needed and possible, scholarships shall be made available to present and prospective members. When recipients of scholarships are determined, no player shall be discriminated against based upon race, religion, sex, national origin, or political affiliation; or upon physical or mental handicaps if the youth is not prevented from playing due to safety considerations. Information on scholarships shall be made available to all members and interested prospective members.


Membership Participation.
All members are expected to assist with the maintenance, growth and development of CSL.


No member shall be allowed to use CSL to better their business except by being a referee, or a sponsor of CSL or CSL events (cups and tournaments).
If they do so they shall be removed from membership and shall make restitution of any funds made from their action.




A. Class I Members: Each family unit with one or more registered youths is entitled to one vote for each youth player registered. A member who is a head or assistant coach with no registered player has one (1) vote. Any registered adult player (eighteen (18) years old or older) is entitled to one (1) vote.
B. Class II Members: Class II Members are non-voting members.




Membership Meetings.
All Membership Meetings shall be in the county of Chatham, North Carolina. There shall be an Annual General Meeting (AGM) before the Board of Director's meeting on the regularly scheduled May meeting date, and election of Directors shall take place at this meeting. Notice of the date, time, place, and purpose of the AGM will be posted on the website fourteen (14) days in advance of the meeting.


Special Membership Meetings.
Twenty percent (20%) of the voting membership can call a special meeting for the benefit of the membership. The Board of Directors can call a special meeting of the membership. Notice of the date, time, place, and purpose of the special meeting must be given to all members ten (10) days in advance of the meeting.


Board of Directors Meeting.
Board of Directors Meetings shall be held at least quarterly, and as needed at the direction of the President. Unless an Executive Session is called, all Board Meetings are open.


Notice of Meetings.
The date, time and place of regular Board meetings, Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Special Membership Meetings shall be publicized on the website and by other appropriate means.


Conducting Business At Membership Meetings.
The number of Class I members actually attending a meeting for which proper notice was given shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote is required to amend By-Laws; a two-thirds vote is required to change the Articles of Incorporation. Officer and board positions are elected according to which candidate for the office or position receives the most votes. As it is desirable to have some area and at least minimal player age representation, each board seat will be voted upon individually, unless there is no opposition.


Conducting Business At Board Meetings.
Four directors shall constitute a quorum for a Board with eight or nine seats, five directors shall constitute a quorum for a Board with ten or eleven seats, and so on, as the number of directors may increase. A majority vote of the quorum shall prevail on all Board matters unless noted otherwise in these By-Laws.


Minutes of Meetings.
The Secretary shall record minutes of all meetings. Minutes shall be filed with the official records of CSL, which are to be kept by the CSL attorney.


Procedure to Run Meetings.
Meetings shall be run according to Robert's Rules of Order.


Order of Business at AGM.
The order of business at the Annual General Meeting shall be as follows: Announcements, Reports of the Officers, Special Reports, Old Business, New Business (Election of Officers), Adjournment.


Order of Business At Board Meetings.
The order of business at Board of Directors meetings shall be as follows: Approval of the previous meeting minutes, Announcements, Reports of the Officers, Special Reports, Old Business, New Business, Adjournment.


Board of Directors


Authority of Board.
The governing authority for CSL shall be vested in the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is required to adopt written Rules, Regulations, and Procedures to govern the operation of CSL, which shall be filed with the official records of CSL. A list of CSL Directors shall be included in a newsletter mailing to the membership.


Election of Board.
The Board of Directors shall be selected as follows:
A. They shall be elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting, as outlined in Section III - Voting and Section IV - Meetings.
B. Newly-elected Directors will take office on June 1 of each year.


Term of Service.
Officers will serve two (2) year terms. Members may not serve more than six (6) years on the Board of Directors without going off the Board for a period of two (2) years.


Nomination of Officers.
Nominations of Board Officers shall be handled as follows:
A. The Board shall appoint a Nominations Committee of three (3) members two (2) months before the Annual General Meeting to seek out qualified candidates for the positions on the Board of Directors that are up for election.
B. This committee shall ascertain for each nominee that: they are a class I member, and that if elected they shall be willing to serve.
C. The Nominations Committee shall give a list of all nominees to the Board one (1) week before the Annual General Meeting.
D. Members may submit their names or may be submitted by another member to the Nominations Committee for a position on the Board.
E. Nominations from the floor may be made during the business session of the AGM, with the provision that the persons nominated from the floor or by committee shall be present, may give a brief resume, and shall affirm to the members that they are class I members and that they are willing to serve.


Any vacancy caused by the death, resignation, lack of nominee, or removal of a Director, must be filled within forty-five (45) days by a majority vote of the remaining Directors, to serve until the next AGM. At that time, the membership shall elect a member to fill the remaining term for that position or to begin a new term. However, if the vacancy occurs within thirty (30) days before the AGM, the position shall remain vacant until the membership fills the vacancy by election at the AGM.


Removal of Directors.
A majority of all Board members must vote in favor of removal in order to remove a Director. Causes for removal are: missing three (3) consecutive regularly-scheduled Board meetings, misappropriation of funds, gross negligence of duty, or using CSL to benefit themselves or their business in any way other than by being a referee, or a sponsor of CSL or CSL events (cups and tournaments). In this last case, the Director shall make restitution of any funds made from his or her action.


Conflict of Interest.
If a conflict of interest arises, a Director must so state, and then refrain from voting, but not from consultation.


Number of Directors.
There shall be a minimum of nine (9) Directors. Additional Board Positions must be approved by the General Membership. The President, as ratified by the Board, may appoint non-voting additional Board members between Annual General Meeting to reflect representation from new areas or groups in order to stimulate interest in those areas or groups.


Officer Positions and Their Duties.
A. President: The President will have those duties as proscribed by the statute and convention.
B. Vice President: The Vice President shall take the place of the President when absent, or until the next Annual General Meeting if the Presidency becomes vacant, and/or such other duties as the President shall request.
C. Secretary/Treasurer:
a. Keeps minutes of all Board and Membership meetings.
b. Gives notification of all meetings (as required by these By-Laws).
c. Ensures that the membership is informed of CSL related activities and decisions.
d. Maintains an accurate roster of current Board members, committee chairpersons, referees, sponsors, coaches, and team names.
e. Transfers, within fourteen (14) days, all records of office to a successor when he or she leaves office.
f. Balances CSL books.
g. Makes sure an annual audit is done.
h. Handles deposits and pays bills for expenses which have been authorized by the Board.
i. Ensures that a yearly budget for CSL is made.
j. Gets Board approval for expenditures.


Election of Officers.
The President and the Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected at the annual meeting prior to the election of the at large directors. The Vice-president will be elected by the new Board at the first Board meeting by a majority of the at-large Directors.


At-Large Directors.
At-large Directors should represent segments of the membership, as well as special purposes. Nominations must be made to ensure a director from each of the major areas of Chatham County, as well as directors having players in the youngest, middle and oldest groups.


Board Responsibilities.
The Board of Directors shall be responsible for ensuring that the following tasks be accomplished.
A. Fields and Equipment
a. Fields are maintained and managed.
b. There is an adequate supply of balls, goals, nets and other necessary equipment, and assignment of same to coaches.
c. Practice fields and game fields are obtained.
d. Fields, goals, and other equipment are inspected at the beginning and throughout each season for safety and necessary repairs and maintenance.
e. A budget is presented to the Treasurer each season for the necessary supplies, equipment, and personnel.
B. Uniforms and Awards
a. Bids and samples for awards and uniforms are solicited, from which Board makes the final selection.
b. Uniforms and awards are purchased and distributed.
C. Scheduling
a. Games, fields, and referees are arranged for all teams.
b. Schedules are drawn up for all practices, games, fields, and referees.
D. Funds
a. Registration fees are set and fundraising is done to provide sufficient funds to operate CSL, according to the Rules, Regulations, and Procedures of CSL.




Standing Committees.
There shall be standing committees as needed and as determined by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing committees and making sure they are staffed as needed.


Committee Chairpersons.
Committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the President yearly. Committee chairpersons are accountable to the Board.


The Registrar shall be elected by the Board yearly. The Registrar is accountable to the Board, in accordance with any guidelines stipulated by any parent organization(s) of CSL.


Removal of Committee Chairpersons and Registrar.
A majority of all Board members must vote in favor of removal in order to remove committee chairpersons or the Registrar. Committee chairpersons or the registrar may be replaced by a Board vote.


Board Members Chairing Committees.
Board Members may serve as chairperson for only one (1) committee.

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