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Chatham Soccer League

Discipline and Appeals Procedure

Chatham Soccer League Discipline and Appeals Procedure


The Chatham Soccer League adopts the following procedure to handle disciplinary issues and to resolve disputes which arise in the course of organizing and playing soccer. This discipline and appeals procedure is limited to the actions of coaches, players, parents, and other spectators. The discipline and appeals process does not apply to the actions or calls of referees. If a coach, or parent feels that the rules of the Chatham Soccer League have been violated or that a person connected with the league has conducted themselves in a manner which is in violation of the NCYSA or Chatham Soccer League code of conduct they are asked to use the procedure outlined below.


Persons entering into this procedure are expected to conduct themselves in a civil manner. Rudeness, yelling, or threatening will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action against the person engaging in such behavior. Issues which are brought into this procedure must be communicated by an adult. Players, therefore, are to act through their coaches or parents.


  1. If a person believes that they have an issue which fits within the scope of this procedure the issue is to first be discussed between the parties involved, if possible. Again, civil polite behavior is expected.

  2. If no resolution was reached between the parties involved then the matter should be discussed with the coach of the player involved. If the issue is with the coach then this step would be skipped.

  3. If neither the parties nor the respective coaches can reach resolution the issue can be brought to the Board of Directors’ designee for discipline and appeals by email or telephone. The designee presently is Ed Grealey who can be reached at or (919) 454-5395. At his discretion the matter may be addressed by email or over the phone or he may request that it be put in writing. He may handle the matter himself, or request that a committee member do so.

  4. If no satisfactory resolution can be reached in step 3, then the issue may be brought to the full discipline and appeals committee by putting the issue in writing and mailing to:
    Discipline and Appeals, Chatham Soccer League, P.O. Box 875, Pittsboro, NC. 27312.
    The committee will review the issue(s), interview relevant individuals, and return a written response to the person who raised the issue.

  5. If the response from the discipline and appeals committee is not satisfactory, the person may bring the issue to the Board of Directors of the Chatham Soccer League. This must also be done in writing and addressed to the Board of Directors at the above address.

  6. If there is still no satisfactory resolution, the issue can be brought to the discipline and appeals committee of the North Carolina Youth Soccer Association. The Board of Directors will provide details on how to do this with their response issued to step #5.


The call of the game by referees is final and not subject to appeal. If a referee is thought to have conducted themselves in an inappropriate manner, coaches only may contact the CSL Referee Assignor.


If you have further questions, or would like to learn more about the discipline and appeals process, click the below link to go to the North Carolina Youth Soccer Association's (NCYSA) Discipline and Appeals page. Here you can access details of the process, as well as pdf copies of the NCYSA Discipline and Appeals manual and USSF's (U.S. Soccer) Discipline and Appeals manual, documents consulted as Chatham Soccer League designs and updates its own procedures.

Click here for Discipline and Appeals manual from the North Carolina Youth Soccer Association (NCYSA)

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