Members of the Board
President: Dan Stout home: 776-3737, work: 541-5767
Vice President: Stuart Campbell 969-7141
Treasurer: Tanya Alvord 542-5916
Secretary: We need one, Any takers please contact us.
Recreation Registrar: Jennifer Castro home: 545-0699
Challenge League Registrar/Coordinator: Lex Alvord 542-5916
Director of Player Development and Coaching: Lex Alvord 542-5916
Director of Public Relations & Hispanic Community Liaison: Paul Cuadros 545-2241
Director of Fields & Field Development: Lex Alvord 542-5916
Uniforms and Equipment: Dan Stout home: 776-3737, work: 541-5767
Bennett Area Coordinator: We need one, Any takers please contact us.
Bonlee Area Coordinator: We need one, Any takers please contact us.
Chatham Charter Area Coordinator: We need one, Any takers please contact us.
Goldston Area Coordinator: We need one, Any takers please contact us.
Moncure Area Coordinator: Rick Clark 542-3725
North Chatham Area Coordinators: Stuart Campbell 969-7141 & James Hayden home: 933-7897
Perry Harrison Area Coordinator: Karen Heilman home: 942-4313
Pittsboro Area Coordinator: Jim Orbich home: 542-2386 work: 968-2760, mobile: 412-6867
Siler City Area Coordinator: Lorenia Yllaramendi
Silk Hope Area Coordinator: Regina DeCristofaro home: 542-7002, work: 742-3911
Publicity, Sponsorship and fund raising: Mark Stafford 656-9566, 542-0691
Mid State Soccer League Liaison, Discipline and Appeals & Risk Management: Lunday Riggsbee home: 542-2381, work: 542-1414
Referee Assignor: Pat Hurlman 960-8089
Safety and First Aid: Stuart Campbell 969-7141
Scheduling: Frank Fitzgerald home: 542-7258, mobile: 624-7935
Picture Coordinator: Jennifer Castro home: 545-0699
Erik Berg home: 933-1633