Soccer League
Recreation Schedule
Spring 2003
The last home team is responsible for picking up all trash
and emptying the trash can into the dumpster
Home team is listed second
In an effort to eliminate Bye games we will be forming
All-Star teams each Saturday. These All-Star Teams will be made up of a
conglomeration of players from the other teams that played earlier that
day. Anyone who wants to may play again on the All-Star Team each
Saturday. If there are not enough players to form an All-Star Team, it may
be necessary for some players from the listed team to play on the All-Star team
so that everyone gets to play every Saturday. We thank you in advance for
your cooperation and support to make this work.
1:30pm Pittsboro Blue Demons
V. Perry Harrison Blue Jays
1:30pm NC Thunderbirds
V. Pittsboro Blue Demons
3:00pm U14 All-Star Team
V. NC Thunderbirds
3:00pm Perry Harrison
Blue Jays V. U14 All-Star Team
1:30pm Pittsboro Blue Demons
V. NC Thunderbirds
1:30pm Perry
Harrison Blue Jays V. Pittsboro Blue Demons
3:00pm U14 All-Star Team
V. Perry Harrison Blue Jays
3:00pm NC Thunderbirds
V. U14 All-Star Team
Cancelled March 30 Pittsboro
Rescheduled from 3/01/03
1:30pm Perry Harrison
Blue Jays V. NC Thunderbirds
1:30pm Pittsboro Blue Demons
V. Perry Harrison Blue Jays
3:00pm U14 All-Star Team
V. Pittsboro Blue Demons
3:00pm U14 All-Star Team
V. NC Thunderbirds
Cancelled April 6 Pittsboro
Rescheduled from 3/1&30/03
1:30pm Big Team 1V. Big Team 2
1:30pm NC Thunderbirds
V. Pittsboro Blue Demons
3:00pm Perry Harrison
Blue Jays V. U14 All-Star Team
April ? North
Chatham Rescheduled from 3/08/03
1:30pm Big Team 2 V. Big
Team 1
1:30pm NC Thunderbirds
V. Pittsboro Blue Demons
3:00pm Perry Harrison
Blue Jays V. U14 All-Star Team
April 13 Spring Soccer Celebration 2003