Help: Selecting Events
You can determine which events you would like to see by selecting from the box in the upper left of the page:
- Season: Pick which season to show events for.
- League: Pick which league to show events for.
- Division: Pick which division to show events for. To select a division, you must first select a league.
- Team: Pick which team to show events for. To select a division, you must first select a league and a division.
- Show Individual Games: If checked, team specific games are shown. Otherwise, games are displayed only in general, based on division.
- Show Past Dates: If checked, events are shown for dates prior to the current date.
- Show Meeting/Training: If checked, meeting and training events are included in the display. Otherwise, they are omitted.
- Show Referees: If checked, referees are shown for team-specific games.
- Update Event List: After selecting the different options for events, click on the button to refresh the displayed events.
The displayed events include:
- Date/Time: The date and time of the event.
- Description: A description of the event, including team names for team-specific listings.
- League: The league associated with the event, if applicable.
- Division: The division associated with the event, if applicable.
- Location: The location for the event. This is a hyperlink which will bring up directions for the location when clicked on.
If you selected a specific team to show events for, that team's coaches will be displayed at the top of the listing.
Different types of events are color-coded. Click on the Color Key link in the event listing heading to see the colors associated with event types.